WarriorWomanThe way of the warrior woman is not for the faint of heart.

If you’re a woman, you’re already a rockstar juggling a billion things with compassion, love and care.
If you’re a warrior woman, you’re someone who STANDS UP for other women.

A warrior woman is the voice for other women who right now can’t speak up.
For women who for some reason or another, are stuck in their situation.
For women who deep down have a yearning to step out of their life right now, but can’t because they’re tending to their wounds, their basic needs, or their children.

If you’re a warrior woman and you’ve been able to push past situations that keep you small, then it’s your DUTY to speak on behalf of all women.

Because we’re all the same.

Some women have just been dealt a harder hand in life and they’re still trying to figure out how to get out of a situation that keeps them from fulfilling their true warrior-ness!

So please fellow warrior women, speak out against the way society has been structured.
Go against the norms of tradition.
Break away from what you’ve been told, and follow your heart and knowledge of what’s right.

But most of all, speak out and use your voice.
Because the more of us that SPEAK OUT, the more of us can HELP OUT our sisters and their ability to be future warriors themselves.

Are you ready to speak and lead for other women?

Let’s join with our hands and hearts and do this together!

Lots of love,

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